maandag 29 april 2013

gmr/rabbitmq-pulse · GitHub

RabbitMQ Pulse is an experimental exchange plugin for RabbitMQ 3.0+ that publishes information made available by the rabbitmq-management plugin making cluster monitoring a push event instead of something you poll for. Messages can be published in JSON format as they would be received from the management API or they can be published in a format that is compatible with Graphite's carbon AMQP client, providing conversionless integration into Graphite and systems like rocksteady. This is a work in progress and is not meant for production systems (yet).

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elasticsearch-river-rabbitmq/ at master · elasticsearch/elasticsearch-river-rabbitmq · GitHub

RabbitMQ River Plugin for ElasticSearch The RabbitMQ River plugin allows index bulk format messages into elasticsearch.

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donderdag 25 april 2013

Spark Overview - Spark 0.7.0 Documentation

Spark is a MapReduce-like cluster computing framework designed for low-latency iterative jobs and interactive use from an interpreter. It provides clean, language-integrated APIs in Scala, Java, and Python, with a rich array of parallel operators. Spark can run on the Apache Mesos cluster manager, Hadoop YARN, Amazon EC2, or without an independent resource manager (“standalone mode”).

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Spout - Spout Wiki

Spout is an upcoming server/client software, written from the ground up (not a server mod like CraftBukkit). It is not focused on Minecraft; focusing instead on a general framework for voxel-based games. The Minecraft implementation of it is in the Vanilla plugin , which you will read more about below. Spout is a multiplatform game engine written in Java. Spout is multithreaded at its core, and designed for "Voxel" or 3D tile-based games, like Minecraft, Infiniminer, etc. Spout has no game code in it, however it is very extendable through the use of SpoutAPI and plugins. Plugins can be used to create full, standalone games, mods of those games, or utilities for managing servers or games, all through the same API.

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zaterdag 20 april 2013

Reco4j - The Graph-Based Recommender Engine

Reco4j is an open source project that aims at developing a recommendation framework based on graph data sources. We choose graph databases for several reasons. They are NoSQL databases that are "schemaless". This means that it is possible to extend the basic data structure with intermediate information, i.e. similarity value between item and so on. Moreover, since every information are expressed with some properties, nodes and relations, the recommendation process can be customized to work on every graph. Indeed Reco4j can be used on every graph where "user" and "item" are represented by nodes and the preferences are modelled as relationship between them.

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three.js - JavaScript 3D library

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Neo4j Blog

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vrijdag 19 april 2013

Metro Extracts

Cities in Openstreetmap

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SVG Patterns Gallery

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woensdag 10 april 2013

MagicMap OpenWRT - Nomads

MagicMap OpenWRT-Sniffer (kurz: MMopenWRT) ist ein Client für das Funkortungssytem MagicMap, der unter dem Linux-Derivat OpenWRT läuft. Der MMopenWRT-Client scannt einerseits WLAN-Signalstärken im Monitor-Modus sowie andererseits Bluetooth-Signale. Beide Scans werden über das MagicMap Web Service-Interface an den MagicMap-Server geschickt. Hier findet eine Auswertung der Signale statt, so dass die Wege, die die Personen (bzw. ihre Mobilgeräte) zurückgelegt haben analysiert werden können. Es handelt sich um einen symmetrischen Ansatz, d.h. der MMopenWRT Sniffer kann sowohl in einer Infrastruktur zur Ortung mobiler Geräte eingesetzt werden (siehe z.B. Bluetooth Tracking), oder er kann auf einem mobilen Gerät eingesetzt werden und dessen Ortung innerhalb einer vorhandenen WLAN/Bluetooth Infrastruktur übernehmen (siehe z.B. Ortung von Gabelstaplern). MMopenWRT ist eine reine Softwarelösung, die auf handlesüblicher Hardware eingesetzt werden kann.

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MagicMap | Ein System zur kooperativen Positionsbestimmung über WLAN

MagicMap ist eine reine Softwarelösung, die bei den mobilen Systemen außer einer konventionellen WLAN-Ausstattung keine weitere Hardware erfordert. Die WLAN Access Points können beliebig verteilt sein und es sind weder Eingriffe an der AP-Hardware noch an der Software nötig.

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dinsdag 9 april 2013

Lime Microsystems

Lime supports Myriad-RF, an open-source, non-profit project for the prototyping and creation of fully configurable wireless platforms that run on almost any communication standard and frequency. Openness is at the heart of the Myriad-RF project and the project stipulates open source design files must be made available for all boards listed on the site. Many boards will also be made available via distribution partners who sign up to the scheme and its values. Beta launched in February 2013, Myriad RF has a growing number of boards and projects listed on the site that are all based on easy-to-use hardware and software. This openness and simplicity means Myriad-RF boards are fully customisable and meet the demands of both experienced industrial designers developing advanced systems; as well as students or hobbyists wanting to create low-cost RF applications or simply learn more about RF and communication systems.

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